Hammond Gives Presentation at 2017 Asian Battery Conference

Gordon Beckley, V.P. Performance Additives & Chief Technical Officer, and Dr. Marvin Ho, V.P. Research & Develop, participated at the recent Asian Battery Conference (ABC) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  Dr. Ho paper titled “Advanced Positive Additives for Lead-Acid Batteries” reviewed the benefits of paste additives to the positive active material to increase performance and cycle life.  Mr. Beckley’s talk focused on “Advanced Expanders” to improve charge acceptance, partial state-of-charge cycling and life in start/stop automotive vehicles.  Paste additives developed by Hammond Group Inc. has greatly improved lead-acid batteries ability to perform well in new applications such as start/stop automobiles and remote telecommunications sites.  During the conference Hammond hosted a social event at the Royal Selangor, the world’s foremost name in quality pewter.  Like Royal Selangor, Hammond brand is synonymous with innovation and quality.  Hammond Group Inc. operates a facility in Kuala Lumpur supplying paste additives and litharge to the Asian market.  

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